Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Transpose Operator Super 8

Some characters here you guys won't recognize yet... Chapter 3 and chapter 4 will introduce them respectively. I'm so excited for you guys to meet them :D

Also as a reminder, if you want to be featured in the Transpose Operator comic then ask a question and you'll be featured at the extra section at the end of chapter 2! For more info check this post! ---->HERE!<----
Also I'm going to be setting up the donate button and the store pretty soon(around chapter 3 debut), and I've been steadily working on the characters section, it's been taking awhile since I've been so backlogged and my work schedule is crazy... but they're in the works.

Super 8 Color
Consequently here's a (slightly)colored version.

Also just as a heads up there will be a week long break in-between chapters 2 and 3. Don't have the dates yet but I will let you know as soon as I do.


Larua said...

Who is the hottie with the facial hair? :::Needs to catch up:: You draw sexy guys. And their usually not high schoolers haha.

Hey, I am going to a pretty fancy New England steampunk convention at Artist Alley and I want to promote any comickers with steampunk-y webcomics. If you have cards, flyers, or anything printed and you want me to distribute them, I will be happy to (Francesca's comic too!) Note me on DA and Ill send you an address to mail them to if you are interested. I will display the cards at my table and leave some at the collective info table.

Larua said...

Oh, btw this my new blog. I stopped updating the old one!

Roxy said...

yes- please do catch up! :D (I need to catch up on Geode also!)

Thanks so much for the offer! If I had promos I'd send them to you in a heartbeat, however I've been so busy that I haven't had time, it seriously sucks. Although if this convention is in awhile then maybe I have time to make them. When is the convention?

Also I will post the link to your new blog asap! :D