I am available for Freelance and Commission work!

If you want to commission or hire me, please read the info below and then email me at   roxypolk(at)gmail.com 

Freelance work is discussed on a case by case basis for price, length of the project, and for contract negotiations.

I do freelance for:
-Comic art
-Comic writing
-Comic editing
-Character design
-Concept art

I have been a freelance artist for over 7 years and worked on multiple games and comic projects and am always looking for new opportunities. I am available for animation projects.
You can see samples of my work on my portfolio site:

For commissions use this handy guide to tell me what you want for a character or illustration:
1. Normal character? Chibi character?
2. Head shot? Bust? Full body?
3. Background?
4. Pencil? Lineart? Gray tone or Single Color? Full color?
5. Is this your original Character? Is this Fan art? - SEND REFERENCE or DESCRIPTION!
6. More than 1 character?
7. Any extra info you think I need for the project?

I will give you a pricing guide for your specific project after you let me know the details.

Payment: paypal (if you need other options let me know)

I will start your project only once payment has been received. For freelance, based on the length of the project, we might work out a specific payment plan. Commissions will always require payment first.

If you have any other questions about working with me just ask and I will be more than happy to answer them. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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