Thursday, March 6, 2008

Samurai Story

These are the sketches I made this past summer for a prospective story I was working on. It was about a girl who meets the wandering ghost of a samurai, and she's the only one who can see him. There was much more to it, but I won't go into details now.
It was set in Japan, in the real world, presumably in modern times, with the obligatory flash backs of course.
Anyway, the main character was named Alice, and the Samurai was Ren.
The idea with Alice was, Big eyes, short eyebrows, and bangs that showed her forehead.
Bad attempt at a school uniform design right here.
Took me forever to get Ren's face right, but I finally did it here. Also Suou is looking pretty realized as well.
Experimenting with body types for Ren. I had wanted to make him more muscular with broader shoulders than most of my male lead characters. Didn't quite go where I wanted him to.
Character who were alive when Ren was.
Reincarnated characters, and some from the past.
Ren (top left) kept getting younger and younger, he was supposed to be a man who died in his early twenties. Ayako(bottom) makes her first appearance.
some failed concepts at the bottom, delinquent character in the top left is one of the main cast. the top right is one of Alicia's characters. She didn't know what to do with his design so that my my interpretation of him.
The school group.
Some failed designs at the top. A cute picture of alice and Ren at the bottom.
Interacting concept sketches. The top one has more of the body type that I had been planning for Ren. I liked the two of these characters together, their personalities were fun to write.

I may come back to this story some day. But for now it will remain at this sketch stage. The problem is, is that I have too many stories that I want to write, so I'll get to this one some day. Just don't know when.


Francesca said...

I enjoy Ren's character design alot. I think his build and stature say a lot about him all ready, without even having read the story. I think some things are coming across with posture, especially in the one where he's talking to Alice at the end. Which makes me think..."yeah...posture. Posture is a good way to reveal character."

I also appreciate curly-haired Suo (sp) ^_^

Anonymous said...

All of the character designs in this story are particularly strong. DO IT!! MAKE THIS STORY NOW!!! P.S. ha ha Warren.