ANYWAY, I actually wasn't too surprised about Archers new outfit, to be honest, Bride Saber is WAAAAY more over the top and the bondage elements to her costume are much more extreme. I think the reason why I did this comic about Archer's outfit was because of his personality- I honestly can't see him choosing that outfit to wear on his own- Saber(Nero) and Caster however I could totally see wearing over the top outfits on a daily basis by choice.
Although one of the themes for this game is supposed to be a "young girl's Eros" and is a kind of "Heavens Feel" offshoot to the story presented in EXTRA. So I suppose sexualizing the characters in terms of design makes a lot of sense from that perspective.
I'm mostly interested to know how it ties into the first game as what I know about the ending makes it hard to picture.
I'm really really hoping that Aksys will be bringing over CCC, but there hasn't been any news on it yet. FINGERS CROSSED.
Below are the actual images for new outfits if you're interested.