Tuesday, June 2, 2009


No, not by me! My wonderfully talented friend Asuka from Japan has done an awesome fan art for Looking Glass!

T-T had to shrink the image! One of these days I'll learn how to manipulate the blogger templates in HTML so I can post larger images!

Check Asuka's website HERE! It's also in the links list if you ever want to reefer to it later :)

Also, Since the first chapter takes place in the past (kinda) If/when I do the second Chapter Liam will have his pinz-nez and his old hair style. So yeah, there's that.

Monday, June 1, 2009

BURST! Preview!

I have uploaded the first 15 pages of my BURST! submission for all to see! and hopefully it will motivate you to buy the book *elbow elbow*

Click the cover to read!

Let me know if you have any issues reading it!